See what our patients says... Dr. Kexin Li -- A Top Expert for Pain Relief
Dr. Kexin Li was graduated from the famous Xiangya Medical University in China with a bachelor's degree in medicine in July 1983. He has...

非特异性腰痛及其治疗 / Non-specific Lower Back Pain and Its Treatment
Dear 李博士 据报道称英国国家保健系统(NHS)将在2016年取消针灸对非特异性腰痛及坐骨神经痛治疗的推荐,是有这回事儿吗?什么是非特异性腰痛?中医对这种病有什么好办法? 吴飞 Dear 吴先生 您好!您提到的事儿属实,但不是NHS,而是一个称作NICE(Nationa...

Can Acupuncture Be A Painkiller?
Dr. Saleyha Ahsan investigates why a form of acupuncture is effective for some kinds of pain relief. Acupuncture (based on the...

慢性腰痛的诊治 (仲拥军主任医师) Chronic low back pain
慢性腰痛概述 慢性腰痛是一种病症,而非一种疾病,它可由多种不同的疾病引起。成年发病率高,特别是男性。无明显外伤病因的慢性腰部软组织损伤,称为“慢性腰痛”,或“腰肌劳损”,其以反复发作、病程长为主要特点。本病除腰椎畸形、患者体质虚弱又缺乏腰部的锻炼活动外,主要病因是腰部感受风...