英国多雨潮湿皮肤病多发,尤其Eczema湿疹最为常见,发病之初症状轻皮损面积小,如不及时诊治则发展迅速,现举一则Dr. 高湿疹治疗案例:李某男性20岁。
治法:给予口服中药粉剂,因患者皮损重中药汤剂药力强起效快, 给予外用草药水煎洗患处,并配合针灸治疗以疏通经络。
按:Eczema湿疹为体内、外过敏源引起的变态反应性皮肤病,用抗生素是无效的,中医药治疗皮肤病效果好,明显优于西药和激素药膏,如有类似疾病及其他皮肤病的患者可以来唐人街24 Lisle Street ,London, WC2H 7BA, 电话:02074376029(24号丽人街)找高大夫就诊。
高英梅主任医师, 原在长春中医药大学附属医院工作并在中医内科教研室任教。主任医师,英国针灸协会会员。
A key concept related to treatment in TCM is the differentiation of syndrome, and their treatments are individualized according to syndrome found. This offers a holistic understanding of balancing the body. In the case of advanced studies, seeking PhD dissertation help can provide excellent guidance for deliberating complicated matters like TCM and eczema.
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